I am very excited to have the opportunity to lead the Joey’s community. At St Joseph’s, students are going to be encouraged to develop and grow in faith and learning. Part of my role is to move students outside their comfort zone. This is the way we all grow.
Long ago, the Prophet Micah 6:8 laid down a guideline for authentic religious behaviour when he said, “This is what Yahweh asks of you – ‘To act justly, to love tenderly and to walk humbly with your God.’”
Our school motto, ‘Act Justly’, is derived from this quotation. We are encouraged to do justice, as God does justice, and when God does justice, it is not modest or polite or understated. It is an act of powerful intervention.
To ‘Act Justly’ is to attack such distortions that include racism, discrimination, poverty, unemployment, class distinction, inequality, stereotypical behaviour and criminal activities. Part of the vision for St Joseph’s Catholic High School is that we develop the student’s understanding of their fellow students, by engendering qualities of cooperation, awareness, tolerance, compassion, respect and acceptance of others – to ‘Act Justly’.
The challenge to love tenderly is a call to action, not just words. In the teenage years, students have an ‘idealised’ and ‘media idea’ of love. Love is a more encompassing, lived experience.
COVID-19 has seen many additional challenges that the Joey’s community has responded to with thoughtfulness and resourcefulness. We continue to meet the challenges of a changing world and I am very proud of the hard work of the staff to deliver quality education for the students of St Joseph’s. Developing resilience and flexibility has been our focus and essentially together “we’ve got this” and we are going to be fine!
Ms Amanda Wilson